BenSneaker - Exclusive sneakers & accessories

FancyBenSneaker second
BenSneaker exclusive sneakers and accessories

BenSneaker second

BenSneaker Second model

This will be the BenSneaker© Second Model. This model is similar to its predecessor, but even tougher and gender neutral due to a lower, tight sole.

This line will also contain elements of fancy, friendly and healthy and comes with free matching exclusive high-end accessories.

These are very exclusive (limited edition) for a fair price. For example, the leather will come from Piñatex®, an innovative textile made from Pineapple leaf fibre.

The BenSneaker© Second is also Healthy for your feet and Fancy at the same time. Created by Podiatrist Ben de Sneaker himself. Healthy feet is a healthy mind! They are also podo-ready for your custom insoles.

We Only Make Authentic Fancy, Friendly and Healthy Sneakers.